It confirmed for me that I’m already doing a lot of things right in terms of soul care, and highlighted the things I’d like to continue working on.
Being aware that your body craves rest is important. In order to hit your next milestone, you must let your body rest.
The retreat was inspiring, centering & reflective
The retreat reinforced that I need to “pause” more regularly and take time just for myself.
I feel a strong sense of community and camaraderie with women business owners.
It made me realign my priorities to mirror my values and take immediate action to strengthen my marriage
This was something brand new to me and I felt so relaxed afterwards. I thought the content was fascinating.
The retreat was relaxing, eye-opening, inspirational, encouraging and fun!
The retreat was rejuvenating, soul-fulfilling & enlightening
It is fully acceptable to understand that you change over the years; and it’s absolutely necessary to stop and pause to allow yourself to fully accept and change.
I need to take time to slow down and fill my soul alongside other women!
I identified action steps to bring my desires and my life into a better balance
I learned more about myself and others whom I love.
I found the retreat to be empowering, uplifting & recharging
It showed me a different way to stop and be in the moment while also taking care of my skin.
It was a great way to relax but also set strategies and goals for self care
We all need a break. We all need a listening ear. We need one another. We’re in this together.
From strangers to safe soul community.
Prioritizing reflection and space in my daily life can result in active and ongoing healthy changes emotionally and physically!
A deep dive into not just my self and how I feel but why. What motivates me, what blocks me. I reached a space of clarity
I grew stronger into my own being, got in touch with my true north!
I just loved being around other women and realizing we all are different and have different strengths and weaknesses and that is what makes such an amazing community.
I did not expect to walk out more compassionate toward myself, and from that, feeling a stronger sense of confidence. To feel it as clearly as I did was like finding a hidden treasure I know that sounds cliche, but it was a palpable change from before I walked through the doors.
A retreat like this has no custom fit or expectation for the “perfect participant.” It’s all about coming as you are, at whatever fitness level you are, at whatever level of self awareness you are and being open to an amazing experience that offers as many comforts as it does challenges.
We women are so strong and powerful when we are being supported and lifted up by a room full of other strong and powerful women.
I need to be my own #1 caregiver
During the retreat I was able to gain clarity + peace about a decision that I recently made.
I need to love on myself more and take time out to reflect and rest more often.
I can do hard things! It was very much out of my comfort zone and I enjoyed it. It opened my world up a bit for future retreats and other experiences I might have been reluctant to pursue otherwise.